Tobacco Products FORMS
FORM 100 Designation of Individual
FORM 145 Request for Extension for Timely Filing
FORM 800 D Cigarette Distributor's Monthly Return of Cigarette's Received
FORM 800 D Schedule A Distributors Record of Cigarette's Received
FORM 800 R Cigarette Retailer's Monthly Return of Cigarette's Purchases for sale within the Navajo Nation
FORM 800 R Schedule A Retailer's Record of Cigarette's Purchased
FORM 801 D Distributor's Monthly Return of Cigar's and Tobacco Products Received for Sale to Retailer's within the Navajo Nation
FORM 801 D Schedule A Smoking Tobacco, Snuff, Chewing, Tobacco, Etc.
FORM 801 D Schedule B Cavendish, Plug, and Twist Tobacco
FORM 801 D Schedule C Cigars Weighing Not More than 3 lbs/1000
FORM 801 D Schedule D All Cigars Not Included on Schedule C
FORM 801R Retailer's Monthly Return of Cigars and Tobacco Products purchased for Sale within the Navajo Nation
FORM 801 R Schedule A Smoking Tobacco, Snuff, Chewing, Tobacco, Etc.
FORM 801 R Schedule B Cavendish, Plug, and Twist Tobacco
FORM 801 R Schedule C Cigars Weighing Not More than 3 lbs/1000
FORM 801 R Schedule D All Cigars Not Included on Schedule C